Latest News
Feb 18th 2021

NEW APPOINTMENT | Deputy Managing Director

Newbury Electronics are pleased to announce the appointment of Zandra Forder to the position of Deputy Managing Director.

A note from Managing Director, Philip King:

“I am very pleased to appoint Zandra as my deputy. She has extensive knowledge of all aspects of the PCB and PCBA industry as well as Newbury Electronics itself. Her appointment will send a clear message to our customers that we are planning for the future. The company’s success is driven by the enthusiasm of our staff. I am confident that this is the right appointment.”

A note from Deputy Managing Director, Zandra Forder:

“On my 30th year with Newbury Electronics, I am pleased and honored to be appointed as Deputy Managing Director.

I have great passion for the company and want to assure you that along with the help and encouragement of my colleagues, we will continue to improve and meet our goals.

I would like to thank you all for being part of my journey so far and for the future”
